Don’t Let These 5 Unexpected Wedding Expenses Surprise You

Everyone knows that getting married can be expensive. Of course, there are items that we expect to cost more than others, but there’s also a few that we didn’t expect to be so expensive. Then there are those expenses that we just didn’t expect, period—and those are the ones that get you because you may not have budgeted them in at all. If you have a good wedding planner, hopefully they will explain to you some of the hidden costs that often catch couples off guard. Here our wedding coordinators at Imperial Event Venue lay out five of the most common unexpected wedding expenses.

feeding your vendors - unexpected wedding expenses

1. Meals For Vendors

Some of your wedding vendors are going to be with you all day long on your wedding day, including your photographer, videographer, band or DJ, and coordinator (if you have one). All of these folks are going to need to be fed, and sometimes couples don’t factor this in when budgeting for catering services. An experienced caterer should remind you, but it’s also good to just have in mind. Depending on how many vendors you have, you’re going to be looking at a few extra hundred dollars.

2. Gratuities

You might not think about it at first, but tipping vendors is customary to many of the services you may be receiving. Some venues may add a gratuity in their contract, so make sure you check that out. However, there are many vendors that couples might forget. Some of these include your limo driver, makeup/hair stylists, coat check attendants, and valet.

3. Overtime Fees

Most of the vendors you’re going to be working with will have a contract with you for a set amount of time. Be aware that going over these times will cost you extra. During the wedding, you might not exactly be in the right state of mind to consider these extra costs, but then reality may hit you hard the next day. Make sure to speak with your vendors regarding overtime costs. The additional time could end up costing you thousands extra. It’s one of the unexpected wedding expenses that can be an unpleasant surprise.

4. Postage

Keep in mind that your invitations can potentially cost you extra if it weighs over a certain amount. It’s important to choose your invitations wisely and weigh them carefully. It’s also important to note that you’ll need extra stamps for your thank-you cards and RSVPs.

Most people don’t realize it, but postage for a few hundred invitations can get costly. Having a small and intimate wedding will cut down on this cost. Make sure you’re properly budgeting for this portion of your wedding cost because it’s one of those sneaky unexpected wedding expenses.

5. Alterations

It’s extremely rare to find a wedding dress that doesn’t require some sort of alteration. More than likely, your dress will need something done to it such as structural changes, adding straps, etc. Make sure to include any alterations in your overall budget. Similarly, make sure you’re asking your bridal shop or alteration specialist about how they charge for this service. Some may charge a flat fee, while others will charge per alteration.


Don’t get caught off guard. Doing some research beforehand will prepare you and ensure you aren’t a victim of these unexpected wedding expenses. Similarly, make sure you’re working professional vendors who will fully explain to you the various costs. If you have good people around you, you’ll have less wedding planning questions that go unanswered.

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